Micromine Geobank provides a secure, streamlined and fully flexible solution that adds value to geoscience data logging and management. Improve productivity, reduce errors, build confidence, boost insights and power workplace decisions. Grow and curate ore-body knowledge ready for downstream activity with a purpose-built solution that puts you in control of your digital resource.

About Geobank

- Synchronise data in any state for sharing and backup when online, or as preview exports when offline
- Honour the tenet of data integrity by having only one custodian for each point of data atanytime. Handed over data is edit-locked and temporarily retained for reference before it can be purged
- Reduce the time required to set up data collection templates while improving data quality and governance
- Use flexible sync and collaboration to share and secure data
- Use the in-built profile designer to create the tables, columns, initialisations, library codes, validation rules and device integrations for any additional logging requirements Or, draw from your existing Micromine Geobank GIMS system for a streamlined setup
- Maintain data integrity without constraints with customisable relationships amongst data tables

- Integrate Data Management with Micromine Geobank For Field Teams to ensure a robust chain of custody as data is captured, validated, completed, approved and handed over to the data administrator
- Push new collars and samples to field devices, then after data capture and handover, load recorded data back to the central system
- Integrated logging with the Micromine Geobank For Field Teams solution, or supports direct data entry, suitable for coreshed operations
- Inform loggers of data outcomes through calculated fields
- Use the Logging integrator to set up field-oriented logging profiles
- Ensure entered codes conform to the defined libraries with lookup dictionaries
- Gain immediate validation and feedback to assure data quality at the source

- Capture data directly from devices
- Store GPS location-based information to streamline surface sampling
- Capture magnetic susceptibility and/or conductivity readings from KT-10 with multi-Reading aggregation and averaging options
- Capture images with context-based file names from Canon, Nikon or integrated cameras
- Capture weights for sample from Adam Highland or PGL series scales as well as the Massa-K brand
- Data from barcode scanned and other keyboard-emulation device
- Import and export data across an extensive array of file formats, including CSV, Text, Tab files, Excel workbooks, Micromine Origin & Beyond .DAT files, and geophysics .LAS standard formats

- Simple drag-and-drop visual query builderthatallows datasets configuration for viewing, editing and reporting on data without extensive prior SQL coding knowledge
- Powerful Form Designer tool that provides extensive customisation and automation
- Customisable data views that support effective browsing, simple entry and confident validation
- Effortlessly generate high-quality corporate style reports for management, general progress tracking or external reporting. Includes simple (bar, columns, pie) and advanced (bubble and gantt) charts
- Configure virtually unlimited ODBC connectionsfor import, export and linkage with other databases, includingthird- party GIS or CAD applications, web browsers and SQL reporting
- Generate reports in a wide range of formats, including PDF, HTML, RTF, XLS and CSV

- Ensure entered codes conform to the defined libraries with lookup dictionaries
- Check whether drillhole logs exceed and/or reach the defined collar end depth with end of hole validation
- Apply out-of-the-box validation systems for empty field, range, depth, gap, interval, and dictionary code
- Define custom, aggregate or composite validation rules
- Improve data quality with approval (locking) only available once data passes validation
- Enhance downstream data confidence with handover (via export or custom process) available only for approved data
- Respond to validation messages and minimise iteration with execution parameters and other data propagation tools
- Catch and correct incorrect data with out-of-the-box and custom validations
- Build forms to carry out repeated workflows with specific validation requirementsforyour unique needs

- Build logging profiles for RC or diamond drilling data, Geochem sampling, environmental and many other applications
- Graphical reports for a variety of applications including drillhole striplogs to visualise downhole data
- Adjust geology intervals to correlate with wireline geophysical data with industry-leading depth adjustment tool. This tool can also be used for graphical logging and core photo validation and adjustment
- Provide geologists with core photo visualisation alongside associated downhole data backed by photography management tools
- Gain visual representation of the point, boundary, and section data for a project, or across multiple projects with an interactive 2d plan view
- Customisable graphic sets including hatch patterns and symbology, which can be imported from downstream modelling solutions such as Micromine Origin

- Sample tracker captures auditing data records of actual files loaded, an audit log of any ETL performed in the assay buffer and saved logs of every usage of the receipting workflow
- Manage on-site or external laboratory sample dispatch with the flexibility to customise procedures across locations to automatically generate the necessary paperwork and data needs
- Import Laboratory result data in .SIF, .CSV or Excel formats, with assay buffering and extensive rule-based classification
- Utilise assay buffering during the receipt of laboratory analysis results for quality assurance before promoting results into the main database supporting workflow efficiency and LIMS integration
- Minimise data disparity with the ability to perform complete reconciliation of despatch vs. receipt samples

- Perform QA/QC on the data at various points in the process including in the assay buffer, on the fly during promotion or once the assays are loaded
- Extensive QA/QC charting options for analysis and reporting. Includes precision analysis on paired samples using R chart or paired X&Y charts, accuracy analysis using Shewhart charts for standards / certified references, and custom weekly / monthly designed and automated QAQC reports
- Allow authorised users to uphold main database integrity and save time with early rejection of suspect data through in-line quality control procedures
- Aid in JORC / NI43-101 compliance with audit data always on hand
- Control which users can export data, dispatch samples, receipt samples, and display and export data in reports and graphs